Monday, March 15, 2010

Abandon ship!

I'm breaking up with Blogger.

I've decided to haul all my rants over to Wordpress because I was feeling like a change. Spring is in the air! So feel free to go check it out, as I won't be posting on this site anymore after this. Having said that, it'll probably be  a little while before I finish tweaking everything so don't be surprised if it looks completely different from one day to the next. Hopefully you're not as easily confused and distractable as I am. Oh look, a duck!

I hope to resume regular posting tomorrow. Look forward to another detailed account of the exciting drama that surrounds bedtime around here. I may even crank things up a notch and talk about what digested cardboard looks like after it comes out the other end of a baby. Wouldn't that be fun?

To go to the new and (almost) improved Angus Diaries, click here.


JustLinda said...

Congrats! And good luck with the move.

Shauna (Fido & Wino) said...

I did the same thing with my blog this week too- good luck with it (I found it was a pretty smooth process, you?).

Have fun!