Monday, July 20, 2009

I haven't had the desire to come to come to the computer and rant lately, and it's all because of the tooth that ruined my life.
The pain of my abcessed tooth was making it hard to focus, and I definitely wasn't being a nice person.

But, now that it's gone, I find I'm mourning the loss of it. I didn't expect to be so upset about losing a tooth. It's just a TOOTH. But I am, for some reason. I mean, that tooth has been with me a long time. It's chewed a lot of doritos. I'm going to miss it.

Today I had to make the choice to have my tooth extracted. The preferred option would have been to have a root canal and then a crown, so that I could save my tooth, but at $1700, it's something that nobody can afford! And I have to have TWO of them. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the other tooth, but for now, at least the infected one is out of my head. I'm already starting to think a little more clearly now that I'm not blinded by pain.

I'm feeling quite bitter about the whole thing. I could have saved that tooth if I'd had the money. It just doesn't seem fair to me that poor people have to suffer. We have medical coverage for poor people, WHY isn't dental part of that? It seems to me that with lack of proper dental care, your overall health DOES suffer. Shouldn't dental be defined as "health care?"

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