Monday, July 20, 2009

Post partum

So, my newly pregnant neighbor said to me the other day as she was smoking a cigarette and riding my other neighbor's stationary bike, "Have you gotten postpartum yet?"


I admit, my jaw actually fell open. As if it were a requirement of childbirth. I couldn't believe how blase she was about it! I told her some women might not like to be asked that, and she apologized and said she didn't mean to be rude.

Now I actually kind of admire her when I think back on it. Being pregnant herself, she probably was just curious.

Also, I'm pretty sure the neighbors have been talking amongst themselves and whispering and wondering if I have post-partum, because they're always asking "HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY??" All concerned-like...

I'm fine.

Or am I?

Sure there are intense mood swings, the despair, the ANGER, lord the anger I feel inside and I really don't know why I'm so angry... I feel like it's directed all at my kid, because he is just so goddamn miserable alllllll the time, and every day that passes that he screams and I wear myself out trying to placate him alllll day, I feel like I'm beaten down a little more than the previous day, and I wonder how I'll ever manage to get out of bed and do it another day.

But I tend to brush depression off as just needing an attitude adjustment. Like, quit feeling sorry for yourself and CHEER THE FUCK UP. I always feel it is in the person's control and it's all about perspective.

But maybe it's not that easy?


Unknown said...

It's not.

caseeymariee said...

no it's not, but at the same time, all the mood swings and frustration are so incredibly common with a new baby. doesnt mean its postpartum by any means. also, this reminded me of the time i went to the courthouse to file for child support, had the baby with me, and saw a straight 8-9 month pregnant woman walking on the street smoking a cigarette. i thought, okay lady, have some shame lol. if you're gonna do it, dont go walking on the streets puffing away as if no ones going to look.