Sunday, August 2, 2009

Caring about the planet.

I'm having one of those rare moments where I'm scared for our planet... Kelowna is burning down again. This hot weather and forest fires are worrying, as they seem to get worse every year. This whole global warming thing really stinks.

But excuse me for a minute, I have to drive my polluting car to the "Overlord Of The World" (otherwise known as Wal-Mart) so I can get my baby plastic coverings to contain his shit that I will then toss in the dumpster which will then go to a landfill and sit for thousands of years. While I do that, I'm going to leave every light on in the house and the water running. Well, we're fucked anyway, aren't we? I'm one of those dumb ones who says things like, "what difference can one person make?" But really, it's just that I'm too lazy to read labels and launder cloth diapers. Luckily my neighbor collects our bottles and cans so she can take them in for a refund, thus saving me the effort of walking my empty beer bottle the two feet from the couch to the kitchen and placing it in a separate receptacle from the garbage can. See, not even MONEY can inspire me!

But still, this mountain is burning about four hours away from us and the air HERE is so thick with smoke and ash my eyes water when I go outside... it kind of makes it a bit more of a reality.

(FUCKING FLY, WOULD YOU JUST PLEASE FUCK OFF ALREADY, FUCK!!!!) JESUS... there's nothing more annoying than having a fly buzzing around your house maniacally, landing on you every two seconds. You swat it away, and it's like "Hah! Stupid human, I'm a fly and I'm waaaay faster than you are. Plus I shit every time I land on you."

It's so flippin' hot out, that we're all slothing around irritably, grunting at each other because it's too hot to even form sentences. Even Angus is so hot he can't even scream normally... it's just a couple of half-assed "Ahhhh's" and "Erhhhh's", as his head lolls around.

1 comment:

caseeymariee said...

it is so hot here. and humid. the humidity is through the roof. no AC in our house, but i havea window unit in my room that caelan and i tend to hide out in. and i go out at least once a day to stay sane and the heat in my non AC little shit of a car is horrific. that poor baby. i feel like i'm putting him in an oven.

the whole earth thing. it is scary. natural disasters are happening here like crazy. like a tornado in jersey? really. thats like for kansas and wizard of oz shit.