Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hair envy

*and here is a picture of some laundry*

I just re-read my last post and realized I sound like a huge douche bag. I apologize.

I'm so irritated with myself right now, and it all has to do with hair. HAIR! I'm a hairdresser, and sometimes I'm ashamed to call myself one. I seem to have a selective memory when it comes to my previous hair-do's.
Note to self: Blond is not the right color for you you because it's impossible to achieve the perfect shade of blond for my skin tone. Remember? Last year? And the year before that?

But every year I get sick of my long brown hair and I go, "Hmmm, I want to go blond." And then I'll strip my hair, and bleach it until it falls out and then I'm standing in front of the mirror with orange tufts sticking out of my head, thinking, "Ummm, maybe this was a bad idea."

Back to brunette. Back to growing it out. Because I look best with longer, brown hair, with bangs. I'm writing this in the hopes that my future dumb-ass self will read this and thus be saved from another bleach experiment gone wrong coupled with overzealous use of the thinning scissors.

Now, it doesn't look BAD. But I have these really awesome green eyes and fair skin that look best with brown hair. Or red. (But I'm not going there.)

So maybe some highlights? Maybe I'll go chop some bangs into my hair, maybe that's all I'm missing...

This reminds of the time when I was sixteen and I had a mid-life crisis and I chopped all my hair off. Short. I remember kneeling in front of the mirror and sobbing as I hacked big chunks out. (What is wrong with teenagers?) Later I was heartbroken when I asked a guy I liked if he liked my new short hair. He said no. OBVIOUSLY. Men only like long hair.

By the way, I'm a good hairdresser. But not on my own head for some reason. They say a mechanics car is the worst car... maybe it's the same for hairstylists? Or maybe it's just wanting something that I've never been able to achieve...

And why is it every time I go through a monumental change in my life, I compulsively have to drastically change my hair?

1 comment:

caseeymariee said...

not true. mike wants me to cut it short. angled like victoria beckham style. i say NOOOO WAYYY jose. i hacked my hair off when i was prego and regret it. growing mine out realllyyyy long this time too. also, that blonde pic with angus in it SCREAMS milf.