Sometimes when I'm talking to Angus, I'm aware that I sound like I'm talking to a dog. For example:
"You wanna go for a walk? Let's go for a walk! Yaaaaaay!"
"Who's a good boy? YOU'RE a good boy!"
"Roll over! Gooooooood boyyyyy!"
said in a screechy, sing-song voice. No wonder Angus looks at me like I'm a complete moron.
Well, it's exceptionally miserable outside today. It's windy, freezing, and rainy/snowy. I STILL don't mind winter though. My two years in Australia seemed to cure me of any hatred of Canadian winters I used to have. Two years of sweating in a steamy, tropical city, panting through soupy, cloying humidity, every single day. My hair was a frizzy mess, stuck to my face all the time, my skin always broken out, and my makeup was always leaking into my eyes. And all that ghastly sun! Cartoonishly bright. Every day, that Godawful, persistent sun in my face. And you know what? When I returned from Australia, I wasn't even tanned. Two years of ultra-violet rays on my delicate Canadian skin, and not even a hint of color.
When I came back, I was just in time for summer in Canada, in which I was very depressed. Then came winter and my mood lifted. I have Seasonal Affective Disorder in reverse.
So as the wind howls and hurls rain at the windows, I'm inside, nice and cozy. While Angus sleeps, I can avoid housework and read my book. I can plan menus. Which brings me to my next point, my new hobby. COOKING. It's not helping me shed these persistent twenty pounds though, in fact I seem to be gaining weight, which is the opposite of what's supposed to happen after you have a baby. I've decided to blame my thyroid. It's common in postpartum thyroiditis for the mother to swing between hyPERthyroidism and hyPOthyroidism. I must be entering the HYPO phase, wherein the sufferer gains weight and feels tired and sluggish, thereby being exempt from any duties such as housework, and suffering muscle weakness, thereby being unable to participate in any kind of physical exercise.
Yeah. That's it.
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